Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Compost or Not to Compost

 For a few years we have been half heartedly composting.  It very rarely if ever gets turned and I can't tell you the last time I added anything to it because of the poor results we were having.  I did try a compost starter, but perhaps I was expecting miracles and I did get some compost to add to the raised beds last year.  

But this year I have a new plan, yes, red wiggler worms....

 One pound of worms arrived at the end of last week via mail

I divided them up into some trays until it gets a little warmer around here.  I added dirt, greens and coffee grounds to start them growing.   No they don't climb out of the trays. 

Until we see some sunshine and warmer temps these guys are happily living indoors.

But the first warm day the majority will be headed to our composter to hopefully help out our flower beds.  

Warmer weather seems a little slow to arrive this year and as usual I am impatient to get my hands out into the garden.

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