Thursday, January 22, 2015


Here I am again reviewing the past year and many projects unfinished or even started.  But the good news is so many were completed.   My Etsy shop did well thru the holidays giving me more ideas and motivation for the upcoming year.  The goal for the shop was to try it out for one year without getting discouraged and the results were great.

I did fail miserably at this blog.  Both my Etsy shop and this blog were suppose to go hand in hand for the one year.  So here we go again to give it a try and see were it leads.

I have become somewhat obsessed with knitting small things in the round.  This past holiday season miniature knitted sweaters, some mittens also for tree decorations.   It is a wonderful project to keep in my bag so I can make use of a few free minutes and simple to pick up at any point in the pattern.

Changing colors and carrying yarn behind the stitches has long been my nemesis in knitting.  Okay I avoid at all cost, but this year I am going to concur my fears.  I started with a pattern I found on Ravelry which was a free download and I had some yarn on hand that would work perfect for this trial project.

Patience was the theme for this project. I had no expectations or deadlines so this project is just a learning pressure.

Reversing the pattern was my biggest challenge and as usual I made it much harder than it should of been. The mittens are done and I am happy that I tackled changing colors....still awkward at it, but it's a start.